This is a photo of my mother’s uncle and Opa Karl’s oldest brother and his family. Adolph his wife Therese (geb. Dannenbaum), and two of their three children, Hans, and Anna Kaeta. There had been another son, Albert. Albert was shot and killed by communists when he was 13 and further down on the main page there is a specific entry for him. Anna Kaeta died of Polio when she was 6. Hans left Germany in 1934. At the entry for Hildegard Samenfeld there is more detail about their family.
Paula Rosenberg was my mother’s aunt and Opa Karl’s sister. Her husband was Julius Rosenberg. They had 3 children Rudy, Alice, and Lotte. In August of 1942, my mother's aunt and uncle, her cousin, Lotte, and her husband Bertold Steinberg, and their little girl Marion all perished in the gas chambers of the Treblinka and Auschwitz Concentration camps.
Family Tree of Adolph and Therese Pfifferling, provided by Sabine Schwab of Bern, Switzwerland. There is a marriage relationship with the Pfifferling and Schwab families. Sabine's grandfather, Julius Schwab, from Halle/Saale, was also, like the Pfifferlings, in the cattle business.
Dannenbaum/Pfifferling Family Tree:
Therese Dannenbaum Family Tree
Paula Rosenberg was my mother’s aunt and Opa Karl’s sister. Her husband was Julius Rosenberg. They had 3 children Rudy, Alice, and Lotte. In August of 1942, my mother's aunt and uncle, her cousin, Lotte, and her husband Bertold Steinberg, and their little girl Marion all perished in the gas chambers of the Treblinka and Auschwitz Concentration camps. Rudy emigrated to Chile and Alice to Baltimore. This is all mentioned in the story that my mother wrote. I have received a letter from Pia Rosenberg of Fredericia, Denmark which states: In letters from family is written that Julius and Paula were deported to Treblinka. According to Yad Vashem Transport List, Julius and Paula were taken from Theresienstadt to Treblinka in September 1942. Lotte, Bertold, and Marion Steinberg were in South France. Hans Pfifferling, Opa's nephew tried to get papers for them so that they could come to America. Aunt Lore said that Opa Karl also worked on getting the papers but did not say anything at the time so as not to get anyone's hopes up. Hans managed to get the papers, but unfortunately, too late, the 3 of them were taken in France and deported to Auschwitz, where they died.
Please scroll down the main page to entries for Charlotte Steinberg and Marion Steinberg, the daughter and granddaughter of Paula Rosenberg (geb. Pfifferling)
Paula Rosenberg / Yad Vashem
This is the obituary that was in The Aufbau from Opa Karl's sister Paula Rosenberg and her family. The Aufbau was a German language newspaper that served the Jewish people who came to America from Germany.
Left click on picture to enlarge.
The top part of this item had to be cropped off so that my grandparent's names would show up at the bottom. For anyone who can read German, it reads as follows: Wir erhielten die erschutterode Nachricht, dass unsere geliebten, unvergesslichen Eltern, Schwiegeraltern, Grosseltern, sowie Bruder, Schwester, Schwager und Schwagerin
We received the frightened news that our beloved, memorable parents, in-law, grandparents, as well as brother, sister, brother-in-law, and brother-in-law