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Frankestrasse 17

  • S. Pfifferling  Veihandlung
    This is where the Pfifferling family lived in Halle an der Saale.

Germans Forbidden To Do Business With Jews.

  • Halle (Saale) Jewish Companies.
    The list of Jewish owned businesses that Hallescher Germans were not to deal with.

Rabbi Albert Kahlberg

  • Rabbi Albert Kahlberg PhD
    Rabbi Kahlberg delivered the eulogy for 14 year old Albert Pfifferling. Please see the entry for Albert Pfifferling on the main page.

William Grafen: Photos

  • Harry Herz Solomon Heinemann b. 28 Jul 1825 Vlotho, Germany d. 1893
    William Charles (Bill) Grafen of Melbourne, Australia b. 25 Jan 1930 Thornbury, Aus d. 26 May 2001 Aus. Bill wrote to me in 1998. He is the person who provided the family tree for the descendants of Moses Heinemann Heyum Isaac.

Postcards: Halle/Saale

  • Halle / Saale: Castle
    These are all postcards that were sent to my Opa Karl Pfifferling by friends of his in Halle an der Saale.

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